Essay on Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicles: The Future of the Transportation 

    Essay on Electric Vehicles


My dear friends , today we are going to tell about a very important topic and topic related to the very latest technology, which is related to electric vehicles, in this article, we will discuss the what is electric vehicles, challenges in the use of electric vehicles and what is the future of electric vehicles in India.So let's know.

What is Electric Vehicles?

Electric vehicles are modes of transport that consume moderate energy in the form of fuel instead of conventional fuels such as petrol, diesel and CNG. These vehicles may be powered by electricity from off-vehicle sources through a collector system or perhaps with batteries, solar panels, fuel cells, or an electric generator inbuilt to convert the fuel into electricity.

Electric bikes, electric cars, electric rickshaws etc. are some examples of electric vehicles. Most trains around the world, including the metro, are already running on electricity.

Why the Need for Electric Vehicles?

These are the following factors that create an urgent need for the use of electric vehicles:
  1. To reduce pollution
  2. To conserve non-renewable natural resources
  3. To reduce the import of petrol and diesel
  4. To promote the use of renewable energy
  5. to reduce global warming
  6. To meet the growing demand for more modes of transport
The population of the world is increasing day by day and the demand for means of transport is also increasing in the same proportion. Hence, the demand for fuel is also increasing. Conventional vehicles emit a lot of smoke which causes air pollution which takes many lives every year.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Electric Vehicles

Advantages of Electric Vehicles

We all are living in the advanced era of technology. The advancement of technology always helps for the betterment of human life. Benefits of Electric Vehicles are very beneficial for humans as well as the environment in many ways. Some of these are given below:

  • Electric vehicles run on electricity and do not emit smoke, so it is very helpful in reducing pollution which causes many types of life-threatening diseases.
  • Smoke is also a major cause of global warming. Thus the use of electric vehicles will reduce global warming.
  • Petrol, diesel and CNG are non-renewable natural resources of energy. Excessive use of these fuels is also not good for nature. Thus the use of electric vehicles can be of great help to conserve these natural resources.
  • Today when the development of technology is increasing rapidly, electric vehicles are the new means of transportation to meet the huge demand of the people who are increasing day by day.
  • Electric vehicles are environment friendly. The use of electric vehicles is good for the environment as well as human life.
  • Electric vehicles are technology. This sector will grow day by day which will generate a lot of employment in this sector.
  • Electric vehicle will reduce the dependence of a nation on petroleum exporting countries, it will reduce the import cost of fuels like petrol, diesel and thus it will help in increasing the economy of the country.
  • Electric vehicles also cost less if we compare the recurring expenditure on petrol and diesel used in traditional modes of transport.

Disadvantages of Electric Vehicles

  • Just as the availability of petrol or diesel is easily available from big cities to towns, there is still a lack of charging stations in the country, due to which it is difficult to travel by electric vehicles in long distance travel.
  • Charging an electric vehicle takes a long time, which complicates its use.
  • Electric vehicles cost a lot more than a vehicle that runs on fossil fuels.
  • Lithium is used in electric vehicle batteries, there is a shortage of lithium in India, due to which the reserves of lithium are in countries like Bolivia, Argentina and Chile, due to which India is dependent on these countries for lithium.
  • In the spare parts of conventional vehicles, our dependence on other countries is 15% to 20%, but in electric vehicles, this dependence increases to more than 80%, due to which we have to buy most of the parts from other countries. In India only assemble is done.

Electric Vehicles in India

  • Since electric vehicles are cheaper in the long run and also eco-friendly, the government is continuously promoting the use of electric vehicles. For a long time many trains including metros have been running on electricity. Indian Railways trains are now running almost on electricity.

  • Electric bikes, electronic cars, electronic rickshaws are already in the market. Now people should use more electric vehicles in place of traditional petrol and diesel vehicles. The government has started a campaign to promote the use of electric vehicles. Certain exemptions on taxes and subsidies are also provided by the government on the purchase of electric vehicles. Recently the Delhi government has started the 'Switch Delhi' campaign to promote the use of electric vehicles.
  • Recently the Delhi government has started 'Switch Delhi' campaign a mass movement to promote the use of electric vehicles. The Delhi government has taken this initiative to reduce the air pollution caused by smoke emitted from conventional petrol and diesel vehicles. Earlier in August 2020, the Delhi government had introduced the Delhi EV policy. Under this policy, Delhi government provides exemption on road tax, benefits of up to Rs 1.5 lac on four wheelers and more.
  • Electric vehicles are the future of means of transportation. This becomes more necessary when we think about increasing pollution, disease caused by pollution and global warming. We should use electric vehicle keeping in mind the above points including environment and should also promote the use of electric vehicle.


From the above article regarding Electric Vehicles, we can say that along with the advantages of any technology, it is natural to have some limitations and drawbacks. So you have learnt in this article what is Electric Vehicles, what is the future of electric vehicles in India?

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