What is Graduation? : How to do Graduation

What is Graduation & How to Do Graduation ?

what is graduation


Friends,in this article, we are going to discuss a very important topic and that is 'Graduation'. Many students have this question that what is graduation and how to do graduation and if you have such questions in your mind then you It is in the right place because in this article we will understand about it in detail. When you have passed class 12th, then this question must have come in your mind that now which course should we do next so that we can be successful in our life and live a good life in the coming future. In such a situation, if you take advice from someone about what you should do after class 12, then you must have heard graduation in response. But you probably don't know what graduation means. So let us understand in detail that What is Graduation? and How to do Graduation?

What is Graduation?

After passing class 12, the course by which you get a bachelor's degree, we call it graduation. Like - BA, BBA, B.sc these are all graduation courses which you can do after passing class 12. It is mainly a course of 3 to 5 years, which you can easily do from any government university or private college. Graduation is also known as Undergraduate degree. As soon as you get the degree of this 3-year course, then you are called graduate.

Qualification for Graduation Course

Now if we talk about the eligibility to do graduation course, then as mentioned above you can do it after passing class 12th. You can do graduation course according to the subject taken in your class 12, in which you should have at least 45% above marks in class 12. If you have above 45% marks in class 12 then you are eligible for graduation.

Subjects in Graduation

Talking about the list of graduation courses, after passing class 12, there are many graduation courses which you can do. It depends on which subject you have passed class 12 like - if you have passed class 12 with arts then you can do B.A, if you have passed with commerce then you can do B.com and the same if you have done science. If you have passed then you can do B.sc. So in this way you can do graduation course according to your subject. Now we tell you the list of some other graduation courses. You can choose any graduation course from these according to your subject/interest.

Under Graduation Course List

  • B.A -- Bachelor of Arts
  • B.B.A -- Bachelor of Business Administration
  • B.Com -- Bachelor of Commerce
  • B.Sc -- Bachelor of Science
  • B.C.A -- Bachelor of Computer Application
  • B.C.S -- Bachelor of Computer Science
  • B.D.S -- Bachelor of Dental Surgery
  • B.Arch -- Bachelor of Architecture
  • B.Tech -- Bachelor of Technology
  • B.Pharma -- Bachelor of Pharmacy
  • LL.B -- Bachelor of Law
  • B.E -- Bachelor of Engineering

So these are the names of some graduation courses which you can do after passing class 12th. You can do graduation course according to the subject from which you have passed class 12th. Apart from this, there are many graduation courses but these are some popular courses which are mostly done.

How to Get Admission in Graduation Course

  • Talking about how graduation is done or how to take admission in graduation course, then your admission in graduation course is of two types. First by passing the entrance exam and second without passing the entrance exam. There are many government universities or universities in India where you want to do graduation. So you have to clear the entrance exam i.e. Entrance Exam then only you will get admission there. There are also many such private colleges where you can take direct admission in graduation course without any entrance exam. Now we tell you in detail how you can take admission in graduation course.
  • First of all, apply for the entrance exam form of the university or university in which you want to take admission. You can apply for the entrance exam by visiting the official website of that university or university. Or you can also apply for the entrance exam by visiting the office of that university offline. After applying, you have to prepare well for the entrance exam so that you can get good marks in that exam and get admission in a good college. According to the marks obtained in your entrance exam, you will get the colleges, then you have to go to that college with your documents and take admission. And if you want to do graduation from a private college, then you can go directly to that college and take admission, for this you have to know which college is giving admission without entrance exam.

How Much is the Graduation Fee?

If you have this question in your mind that how much is the fee for graduation, then it depends on the university or college you have chosen. If you are graduating from a government college, then your fee may be slightly less, whereas if you are graduating from a private college, then you may have to pay more fees than a government college. According to which course you have chosen to do graduation, the fees may be more or less, there are some courses that you can do in less fees like BA, BSc and some courses may cost you more fees like B.Tech. Talking about the fees charged in the graduation course of a government university, it can be from 10 thousand to 25 thousand, it can be more or less.

What to Do After Graduation?

What to do after doing graduation course depends on you, if you want you can do higher level studies like post graduation like if you have done B.A in graduation course then after that you can do M.A which is a post graduation is course. And if you have done B.sc in graduation course then after that you can do M.sc. Apart from this, if you want, you can also prepare for any government job.

Difference Between Graduation & Post Graduation

  • Many students have this question in their mind that what is the difference between graduation and post graduation, are they different degrees. So the answer is yes graduation degree is different from post graduation degree.
  • When you do 3 years course after passing class 12 like b.a, b.sc it is called graduation. And post graduation we call that which you do after graduation like m.a, m.sc. To do post graduation, you need to be a graduate, without doing graduation you cannot take admission in post graduation. We also know post graduation as Master's degree and we call the same graduation as Bachelor's degree.


In this article, we have understood in detail about what is graduation and how to do graduation.
We hope that all the information given here helped in understanding what is graduation, how to do graduation? If you have any question in your mind then you can ask us in comment below and you must share this article with your friends on social media.